- Summer Concert Series: Tuesdays at 7:30pm at Central Park in Corvallis
- June 17: “Let’s Dance! The Moves Behind the Music” with Justin Preece
- June 24: “American Landscapes” with Cheryl Martinez
- July 1: “Fantasy & Fantasia” with Mark Terasawa and guest artist Steve Matthes
- July 8: “If We Could Talk With the Animals” with Cheryl Martinez
- July 15: “A Little Americana” with Kim Melby
- July 22: “Showtime! Music from Stage and Screen” with Jim Cameron
- July 29: “Great Marches from the Classical Repertoire” with Steve Matthes
- August 5: “Music Across the Land” with Sarah Perkins
- August 12: “Journeys & Destinations” with Isaac Andrew and guest artist Chintimini Brass
- August 19: with Mike Merrill
- August 26: “We Will See the Sun” with Daemon Shane
- Annual Children’s Concert: Thursday, November 13 at LaSells Stewart Center
- Annual Winter Concert: Saturday, December 13 at Ashbrook Independent School